
Mon 9/1 - PM 85 minutes incl. 5(400-300-200-100)

First "leg prep" session, got a bit tiring the last two sets but overall under control and relatively comfortable. Tried to think of the reps as glorified strides, leaving something in the tank while getting some turnover. Recovery was 200 jog (i.e. 60 sec) after each 400 and 300, 100 jog (30 sec) after each 200, and 500 jog (2:30) between sets. Splits as follows:


found the appropriate rhythm early and kept it going the rest of the way. Thankfully no stomach issues like last week's session on the track. Warm sunny day, low humidity, some breeze but not overwhelming. The dip in the pond during the cooldown was nothing less than sublime. The only downer on the day was the discovery of an ominous bump on my instep after getting home and taking off the shoes for the evening. No idea how or when it got there, will bear close watching and I started obsessing over the spot immediately upon noticing it.


. said...

Whats up Mayall. How you been? I saw your blog linked from Jimmy Johnson's blog...you know the guy who was sitting on you at Magnolia?

Anyways, good to see you still pounding out the miles. Hills and drills soon at BC? I kinda miss those, but then again, 20xbench to bench can get to be pretty monotonous after a while.

You get to see the Cs in the playoffs?

Mark Mayall said...

Jay, good to hear from you. I realize now that Johnson finished .1 behind me in a 5k track race in February, maybe I should have known of him. I saw the celtics' championship run the same way most people did--on TV.