
Thu 9/4 - PM 70 minutes incl. 5.6m Lincoln tempo

Atrocious heat and humidity typical of early August rather than early September made this a complete slog. Plus I did it at possibly the worst time of the day to boot. There was no point in putting it off until tomorrow as the forecast isn't much better. Loop was the first 3.6 of the tempo and then the last two miles on Conant, heading downhill this time.

11:45 for the final 2 miles or so on Conant

with the conditions being worse than the last time I ran this course a few weeks ago I knew the splits would likely be slower. Originally planned on doing the 6.6 miles again, but decided after about 5 miles to cut things short and not bother with the last mile, it would have been a struggle to break 6 minutes. Really, really could have used a dip in the pond on the cooldown. Legs heavy, overall feeling tired which is no surprise given recent struggles with toothache. Foot bump hasn't gone anywhere or gotten any worse.

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