
Thu 8/21 - PM 75 minutes incl. 38 minute tempo run

First timed workout in months, it turned out to be a slog. Ran the Lincoln tempo with the first two miles of the Conant Road add on tacked on at the end. Looking to run in the neighborhood of 5:40-45 pace, splits as follows:

5:45 (even split)
5:28 (2:50/2:38)
11:50 for the add-on.

As the numbers indicate, terrain had a drastic effect on the pace, uphill miles were slow miles. Took my frustrations out on the third mile following the dog of a second mile, after promising myself to hold back on any aggressive moves until the last two miles. Speaking of which those last couple miles were a chore, esp. the sixth mile which seemed to go gradually up forever. Next time I do this particular loop I'm doing the last 3 miles in the opposite direction to see if it makes a difference. In hindsight, a flatter course would have been more appropriate. Not overly distraught however, as I did end up running within the desired pace range anyway. Barely. Having run the 4.6 loop so many times as a glorified time trial it's tough to adjust to actually doing it at actual tempo pace, which that add-on forces one to do. In addition, as light and smooth as my legs felt yesterday, they felt dead and clunky today from the get-go. The rolling course wasn't kind to them in this state. Warm conditions but not oppressive, dry for this time of year.

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