
Sun 8/10 - double, 1:45 total

AM - 35 minutes easy. Morning shakeout, legs sore from yesterday's effort. Some pain in right pes ansurinus area, worked on the VMO some after the run, hopefully that will help relieve the tension. Didn't sleep especially well last night, went off the advil and the toothache came right back as expected.

PM - 70 minutes, Walden woods. Had planned on going longer, also planned on a dip in the pond, both of these ideas went for naught as the weather deteriorated rapidly. Finished up the run with thunder booming too close for comfort, and subsequently stuck in one of the most biblically ferocious t-storms ever experienced on the drive home. Sat in my car 45 minutes waiting for the rain to let up, the longest duration I can remember for a storm that intense. Encountered some rain during the run itself but nothing like that, I would have drowned.

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