
Sun 7/13 - double, 1:40 total plus 20 minutes in Walden

AM - 75 minutes in Northfield/Winchester incl. climbs up Burt Hill Rd. and Gunn Mtn. Cut the length of the run short due to the rising temps and humidity as well as overall fatigue. I had planned on going up and over Schofield Mtn. as well but it would have been very ugly, esp. as I left the fuel belt behind. Despite feeling the flatness, able to keep a steady rhythm up the hills. A long break to soak in the Ashuelot before the last climb helped in this regard.

PM - 25 minutes to and from the pond plus 20 minutes in the water. Dead dead dead tired. Getting in the water was nice what with sticky conditions but I should have parked closer and walked over. Legs had no life whatsoever in them after the morning.

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