
Sat 7/12 - double, 2:10 total incl. 5k in 15:59

AM 70 minutes incl. 5k in 15:59. Relatively controlled effort, although I was feeling a bit haggard from the get-go after a night spent in a tent in the sticky weather. The humidity continued to be high for the race as well. First mile of 4:57, dragged out a little quicker than I would have liked, followed by a pair of 5:15s. Two relatively small hills in the second and third mile, but not a killer course by any stretch of the imagination. Once my position in the field was established at about halfway I was only going as fast as I felt like, with motivation not being sky high. Longish warmup and cooldown in the woods surrounding the race course. Conditions practically required a swim afterwards but there wasn't any place available.

PM - 55 minutes, Staddle Hill to Louisana road, back down and across the ridge. Legs dead at the start and finish but able to get up the climb to E. Nfld. reservoir better than expected. Although I was completely gassed in doing so. The long cooldown this morning probably had some effect, as did the annual hike up to Mt. Sugarloaf earlier in the afternoon. Short, but steep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

relatively comforatrble loss??