
Sat 2/9 - PM 60 minutes incl. 3k in 8:54.43

A decidedly lackluster effort, made more thrilling by the doubt going in over whether or not my calf would shrivel up in a ball and die. Having not set foot on a track since injuring it last Tuesday this was a real fear, unfounded as it turns out. Still not 100% but handled the turns and running in spikes. With that concern out of the way the race itself was a similar pattern and feel to the 5k two weeks ago, even and slower than what I would have liked. Kilometer splits of 2:59, 2:59 and 2:56, last lap just under 34. Some tactical nonsense to contend with as well as I became enamored with the rail and found myself boxed in at various points the first mile as a result.

Slower than the mini-meet 3k six weeks ago which was most definitely a controlled effort whereas this was most definitely a race. Still feeling just a bit flat by the end of the week the past few weeks, overall rundown feeling which I noticed right from the warmup. From a training standpoint I was certainly well-rested but from a rest standpoint not so much. Wednesday's run-in with the dry scratchy throat not helping there. Wiped out for the cooldown which was a 20 minute crawl.

For the first time that I'm aware of with one of my races, there is video available online.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice race. you were definitely the most talked about man on the track. I think the announcers had a crush on you.

fruit snacks.