
Thu 10/4 -PM 65 minutes, Walden woods plus 20 minutes in Walden

In a foul mood all day at work due to the left hammie feeling like garbage. Fearing the worst when it came time to run, but thankfully it has improved somewhat over yesterday. All the compressions had something to do with it, although the immediate aftermath didn't feel so great. Took it quite easy at first, able to move with a little more range of motion after 30 minutes or so. Still not going hard at all at any point, except for maybe in the water and that doesn't really count. I would have liked to do some strides but that was off the table, hopefully tomorrow. Not approaching Saturday's race in the fashion I would prefer, expectations will likely have to be tempered accordingly.


Anonymous said...

watch out for Keiron Saturday-he is ready

Mark Mayall said...

Apparently he wasn't, he didn't show up...