
Wed 9/19 - PM 80 minutes incl. 8xhill repeats, Silver Hill road

Ran on a sinuous stretch of Silver Hill road that I'm guessing is around 550m, first two reps in 1:52, the rest between 1:48 and 1:50. Recoveries all around 2:25 except for the last trip down which was extended due to stomach issues on the seventh rep. Got to the top looking for a place to go but couldn't find anything suitable nearby. Ended up taking a longer rest before the last rep, like 3:30+, and dealing with it. Fastest reps were in the middle, found myself a bit overextended after the fifth one and had to control the effort more. As I had no desire to drive into and out of the city two days in a row, I cast about and found a hill near home that mostly matches the one on Comm Ave in terms of distance and slope. While the stretch of road I used leveled off in the middle, it served the purpose well enough. High Street would have been better, but too much traffic. Like yesterday, I was waiting for knee soreness to show itself, but given the nature of the workout I was also wondering if it would be worse or more debilitating. As it turned out it was the same deal, showed up after about 30 minutes of running and was manageable the rest of the way. A good chunk of my time tomorrow will likely be spent in the water. Warmer today, but still dry and sunny like it has been most of the last month.

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