
Tue 7/21 - PM 45 minutes plus 4+ hours hike in the AM

The day began before sunrise with a drive from Gunnison up and over Schofield Pass on the road that was just as nerve-wracking as I remember it from my last visit five years ago. Unlike the ill-advised traverse of the Four Pass Loop that I did then this time it was a much more mellow hike up to Frigid Air Pass and back down. Spectacular scenery and wide open spaces with wildflowers everywhere. Alas, the overcast skies yielded passing showers that came through about every half hour starting an hour in. Conditions went from sunny and mild to wind-driven rain in the blink of an eye. Soaked through and feeling pretty miserable by the time the trailhead was reached and the wind and rain really picked up. Of course, it let up again soon after leaving for CB and lunch. The day's run happened after that, and a long nap. The climb from the parking lot to the main plateau was much too hard and something I should have avoided by parking up above. Once up top I was able to move a little bit but predictably, not a whole lot in the legs after the hike up and down in the morning.

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