
Sun 1/18 - double, 75 minutes total incl. 3(800, 400, 200)

AM - 25 minutes, treadmill. Opportunity presented itself for a morning shakeout indoors. Went right to the old standby cutdown, 6-10 mph changing speed in segments of progressively greater length until 9 mph when it went back to 30 seconds per tenth increase. Felt reasonably relaxed overall, if a little stiff.

PM - 50 minutes incl. 3(800, 400, 200). Flatter and more tired than I would have liked. After spending the day walking around the city I had a feeling it might turn out that way. Looking to hit multiple paces and do so relatively smoothly. Working again on the timed rest template, with 800s on 4:30, 400s on 2 minutes, 200s on 3:30. A bit more rest than previous workouts in this vein but still a bit pressed particularly after the 400 which I could feel. Speaking of the 400s, it took more out of me than hoped to hit the planned 73 pace. Originally intended to top this session off with a 600 in spikes at or faster than mile pace. Became abundantly clear after the second 400 that wouldn't be happening. Splits:


Right hammie still a bit off, lack of stretching yesterday has a lot to do with that.

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