
Sat 8/30 - AM 1:50 plus 20 minutes in Walden

AM - 1:50, Lincoln woods plus 20 minutes in Walden. Eventful and undoubtedly frustrating morning jaunt in the woods with the kiddies and one parent. Who inadvertently sabotaged the run by continually and blithely running away from me and the pace that would have been appropriate for the group, and dragging a couple of them (incl. his kid) along for the ride. I was left to try and stay in between them and the rest of the group that wisely wanted no part of it. Annoying to say the least. Tried to have the group take multiple short breaks to cool their jets which probably only made it worse. After finally wrangling the hard chargers near the hour mark, picked up the pace for the next 15 minutes or so. This was part of the original plan but given how turned out the pace was early on I should have left it alone. At that point I was venting my frustrations as much as anything. Another 10 minutes or so of jogging after that while looking to retrieve one who got lost, then a very long break in the parking lot before heaind directly over to the pond for a dip and then back. Another sparkler of a day, much drier than we have any business expecting around here at this time of year.

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