
Fri 7/11 - double, 90 minutes total plus 20 minutes in Walden

AM - 20 minutes very easy, Swellesley. Overcast and cooler still this morning. Much nicer than earlier in the week. Ankle feels like it might finally be loosening up.

PM - 70 minutes easy, Lincoln woods plus hill drills and 20 minutes in Walden. Very tired after another day of clambering up and down ladders, work as tiring as any I've done while employed by WPS. I had hopes of picking up the pace the last 10 minutes of the run but I could tell from the moment I left the pond that wasn't happening, no energy for it. Right calf and ankle feeling as good as they have for a couple of weeks, although the ankle is still more stiff than I'd like. Fantastic conditions, sunny and dry.

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