
Mon 4/28 - double, 75 minutes very easy total

AM - 25 minutes very easy. Going to bed last night I had deep reservations about doing a double today, then I woke up ten minutes before the alarm went off. Figuring I might as well go through with it, went for a very easy putter on the Brook Path and Washington Street. Unsurprisingly, not much mobility in the right leg at all. Still plenty of marathon-related detritus in the gutter of course.

PM - 45 minutes very easy, Area 51. Got home from work and went straight to bed for a nap that went longer than usual and led to a later start time. Dead tired for sure, the past two days being the reason. Both legs feel like they've been hit with a hammer which made for a very very slow pace. Slow enough that the route I chose took at least 10 minutes longer than it typically would.

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