
Mon 6/17 - PM 60 minutes easy

Lincoln Woods. Calf feeling a bit better than yesterday but the tib anterior is back to getting stiff at the outset. Throat might be improving, but it might not either and anyway it should have gotten better by now. Extremely frustrating to say the least. Timed things just so that I got to the pond as heavy t-storms were about to roll in. I misjudged how quickly the rain and lightning were coming and actually got in the water for 5 minutes before beating a hasty retreat so as not to be electrocuted. The rain's arrival was both rapid and dramatic, within five minutes of leaving the pond the sky had darkened considerably and five minutes later the heaviest rain I've experienced in a while was falling. Seemed like there was as much water as air in the ambient atmosphere. Subsided a bit but not very much by the time I finished.

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