
Thu 4/18 - double, 65 minutes total

AM - 35 minutes, Tenderfoot Mtn. in Salida. Made it to the top of Tenderfoot aka S Mountain although it took longer than expected. The altitude and 1-2" of snow on the ground likely had something to do with that. The climb up was somewhat tough on the right calf which is getting tighter by the day. The trip down put more strain given that I took the direct route which meant some downright perilous descents on barely there billygoat paths.

the snow was gone by lunchtime
 view of town from the top
 Arkansas River and Collegiate Peaks
view to the SE from the top

PM - 30 minutes easy, Manitou Springs. Jogged pretty much from one end of town to the other and back. Calf remains alarmingly tight and every uphill seems to dial it up a bit more. In an attempt to loosen it up and get a little turnover in, finished with the most scenic set of drills I've ever done on the Manitou Springs HS track. Hard against a red rock outcrop with the Garden of the Gods staring you in the face on the backstretch, just me and the four mule deer grazing on the infield. Left my camera in the hotel. 

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