
Wed 3/6 - PM 60 minutes

Levittown via Rockland Ave to Summerhill. Thankfully, not a repeat of yesterday's dead-legged trudge, whatever funk I was in was hopefully a transitory state. Got an early start thanks to evening social engagement. I'll never get used to running in Levittown in the daylight, somewhat deflating that the trails remain socked in despite there being plenty of usable daylight. The least wonderful time of the year in that regard. Right hammie a bit stiff but not bothersome until I did a few short pickups in the last 10 minutes, the pickup in pace led to an immediate pinched feeling up near the hamstring attachment. More compressions afteward but trying not to overdo it with that stuff. First of what look to be three days of miserable weather, blustery with three distinct episodes of wintry precipitation while I was out there. The ill wind forecast to only get worse in the near future.

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