
Thu 2/28 - double, 70 minutes total

AM - 30 minutes very easy. Post-breakfast, post doctor appt. shakeout. No work today, completely unable to get out of bed at the usual time. Took a very mellow putter mid-morning instead. Right calf still feeling dodgy and got some attention afterward. Overcast but temp climbing as the day progressed.

PM - 40 minutes. Levittown to Summerhill. After a long afternoon nap I had vague notions of doing timed reps but felt the calf wasn't ready for such work. Still, it felt much better than it did in the morning. Also got an even later start than yesterday's run, with no passing rain showers as an excuse for taking so long to get going. After a dawdling first few minutes the pace was more solid on this run overall. Threw in some short relatively quick pickups on the way in. Hopeful I can get back on the horse soon. Taking a while to recover from the vacation.

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