
Sat 2/23 - AM 2 hours

White Tank mountains, Mesqute Canyon to Ford Canyon trails. Did a very similar if not identical run last year but in the opposite direction. Overall an enjoyable experience despite taking a rather hard fall about 15 minutes from the end. Scraped one finger and bounced off my chin, but avoided a nearby cactus which would have been a lot worse. Enjoyed the trip up Mesquite Canyon very much, steady gradual climb on relatively good footing. There was actually some water in the wash this time unlike last year:

Some stiffness in the SI joint and right hamstring which I chalk up to the somewhat jarring descent down Ford Canyon. Did stretching in the evening and the SI joint was popping to a degree I haven't felt in a long while. Fairly sleep starved by this point. not napping at all as originally expected.

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