
Sun 3/24 - double, 90 minutes total incl. 5k road race

AM - 60 minutes incl. 5k road race. Even more mediocre than last week, alas. I had thought that having Saturday to rest a bit more this might go better than last week. Also, right hammie felt as good as it has in a while yesterday evening. None of that made any difference, as the effort was overall about the same as last week in terms of quality. Typically windy which made the first mile somewhat tactical, I was more or less forced into the lead for much of it but consciously holding back. Dropped all but one on the only hill of any consequence about 3/4 mile in, without really trying. The real racing started soon after that and I thought I was ready to take part, but instead found myself popped out almost immediately. Holding action from there on out. Like last week the right thigh starting locking up right around the 2 mile mark, although I'd like to think it didn't get quite as bad this time. Puttered through a very easy 20 minute cooldown with the hammie feeling like garbage. Not sure how much of this dud is attributable to the leg vs. underlying fatigue, certainly there was no peak or taper of any kind.

PM - 30 minutes very easy. Trying to do a shakeout before getting in some much-needed stretching. Right thigh and butt feeling like utter crap though made it a chore. Calf stiffened up as well during the afternoon, the leg as a whole is in much worse shape than it ever should be after a race of that length. Lots of rolling on the lax ball and foam roller afterward. Piriformis/glute/TFL/IT band all feeling the strain mightily. I have to think they're picking up the slack for a weakened hammie. Calf too. Ugh.

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