
Wed 2/20 - double, 80 minutes very easy

AM - 35 minutes superslow pre-breakfast shuffle, a glorified walking tour of the Barrio Viejo neighborhood near the hostel. Not a whole lot in the way of range of motion in any of the major joints, quads plenty sore. Overcast and windy.

PM - 45 minutes very easy out and back along the bike path. During the day the weather went straight down the toilet, with a mix of rain showers and snow. Not what I signed up for although apparently not unheard of. Although I saw locals taking pictures of the snow falling which leaves me to wonder. Raining by the time I started, felt stiff and sore from the outset. Then about 10 minutes in the left TFL locked up suddenly, likely from putting too much strain on it while favoring everything else. The whole thing was a tiresome slog but hopefully will help facilitate some kind of recovery for the next couple of days.

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