
Sun 6/24 - double, 2 hours total plus 25 minutes in Walden

AM - 85 minutes easy, up and down and up and down Comm Ave. Jogged a couple of miles, waited a few minutes, then ran 5 more miles in the midst of an enormous pack of runners running a 10k. An interesting experience, mostly thanks to the density of runners. I'm not used to being surrounded like that while running at any speed. Following that, spent a good long while hanging around the Common and Public Garden. Hot sunny day, surprisingly so for a relatively early hour. Right calf stiff and sore from yesterday, depressingly so.

PM - 35 minutes plus 25 minutes in Walden. Very easy jog on the way out to the pond, much quicker on the way back. The pond hit the spot in a deeply satisfying way what with the hot day.

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