
Thu 10/20 - PM 75 minutes very easy

Back into it with another split afternoon double. 35 minutes earlier with the wildcats, then the drive home followed by an easy 40 minutes in the outskirts of Area 51. Left hammie bothering me at work all day, that side feeling tight all the way up to iliac crest with TFL, etc. The easy jogging helped somewhat. Four strides on the football field at the end of the first run, worth the effort as the legs felt better for having done them. Tightened up again in the car of course, wound up pretty good by the end of the second run. Spent a while rolling the left SI joint on the lax ball, felt like this was the source of all the twinging down the left side. The time off earlier in the week served me well I think. Sunny, breezy and mild conditions.

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