
Fri 8/12 - AM 90+ minutes

Glenwood Springs, up and down Red Mountain. Trying to preview the course for Sunday, even if I'd had the map in hand I don't know if I'd been able to stay completely on course as it was more confusing up there than I'd expected. Got most of the way up, I think. Time of the run a little fuzzy as there were numerous breaks at the turnaround point, checking out the large metal cross that looms over town which is right next to the field where paragliders launch themselves into the valley. Also stopped at a slightly lower point to chat with a local about the trail, who took this:

Better view down the valley heading towards Aspen and Mt. Sopris:

the payback for all these breathtaking views of course came in the descent, steep but not unmanageably so but the road surface had sections of loose rocks just big enough to be potentially problematic. Had to watch it in spots, and after the run I could feel the right plantar that had been bothering me less and less over the past 10 days. Definitely aggravated it some, not too bad but doing this in flats, at race speed, could be another matter.

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