
Tue 3/15 - PM 75 minutes easy

Area 51 with hill drills on White Pond Road. Feeling better than yesterday, but only by a bit. Visited the PT again and once again, the SI joint was stuck. Felt noticeably better right away, I thought it might be stuck going in but not to the degree it was. I'd like to think the plane ride on Saturday followed closely by the race Sunday morning caused the adhesion but it may be more complicated and longer in developing than that. Whatever the case, frustrating that the thing keeps sticking since I won't be able to visit the PT for adjustments much longer on current referral. Managed health care wins again. Made an attempt at running on the main drags in Area 51, with the lingering snow they're still not ready for prime time yet with only some spots clear at this point. Ran some of the way along a plowed section of the patrol road which was a welcome relief from slogging through the snow. Relatively warm today, seasonable at least, tomorrow's overcast moving in though.

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