
Thu 12/23 - PM 70 minutes incl. 2400-2000-1600-1200-800

RLTAC. Long reps, short recoveries. 2.5 minutes after first rep, cut 30 seconds from that with each subsequent rep. Looking to negative split each rep, pace getting gradually faster. Times as follows:

8:11 start at 42/lap, down to 40
6:44 same as 2400
5:20 41 down to 39
3:58 40 to 39
2:35 whatever was left

Hit the planned splits overall although it did get harder than I expected on the last two. Left hammie and glute became progressively tighter and stiffer, which became the overriding concern. Finished the workout feeling like I was dragging the leg, responded to some on the spot direct pressure but the cooldown was a crawl nonetheless.

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