
Tue 11/17 - PM 50 minutes easy

Lake Waban via Brook Path, back on 135 and Washington St. Woke up to a sore and inflamed gracilis attachment which was certainly discouraging, but surprisingly little else. Still the sore point was acute enough to have me wondering if I was back to taking long walks. If I had more common sense I probably would have taken the day off but after a day of walking around on it my sense was it wouldn't blow up on me. As it was, most of the run felt pretty good, I was even able to pick up the pace a bit from 30 to 45 minutes. Felt some muscle groups in the hip and thigh start to check out at that point, jogged it in. Flat route was key, smooth pavement desirable over anything uneven. Legs generally sore and borderline wobbly, as much from the earth shoes I'm wearing during the day now as the recent resumption of running.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

welcome back....