
Wed 7/22 - PM 85 minutes

First day in Flagstaff, started from the hostel over to Buffalo Park then out the back to the Oldham/Easy Oldham area. Feeling pretty good on the climb up Oldham from the pipeline. Right leg feeling better as well, still moving somewhat gingerly on downhills but returning to what it felt like last week. It would appear the effects of hiking Mt. Elbert have worn off. Felt vaguely sticky at the outset of the run, odd for this place, then big fat raindrops fell sporadically, then hail, then a t-storm of biblical intensity.


calliman said...

So, Mayall, what do you do besides run on these vacations? And who are you running with?

Mark Mayall said...

I run as I dream, alone. My sister has been joining me for the hikes though.