
Sat 3/7 - double, 1:50 total

AM - 45 minutes easy shakeout, Tiger Drive to Old Marlboro Rd and Old Mill. Right hip not stuck as much as it has been the past few days. Much warmer already today.

PM - 65 minutes, Longfellow Loop, incl. 2x20 minute threshold runs. Got right into it after a brief 10 minute warmup. I was hoping to be able to change gears every 5 minutes, successful on the whole. Left some room to pick it up early on. Hip was sticking at first but felt better as time wore on. Some incipient stomach issues at the start of the second rep but it held off thankfully, no pit stop needed. Cooled off from the afternoon but still as warm as it's been this season. Cooldown even shorter than the warmup, wanted to get started on dinner ASAP.

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