
Mon 11/19 - PM 60 minutes easy

Tried a seldom-visited area, Powers Rd. to Maynard Farm and King's Grant to start. Powers has a bit more traffic than I would like but it has potential as another area for winter road loops. Taking it easy a no-brainer today, for many different reasons. Left hammie/hip/lower back area sore again, similar to the aftermath of Mayor's Cup but thankfully not as severe this time. I keep thinking whatever is plaguing me in that region is water under the bridge when the soreness and tightness subside, then a long hard effort comes along and it comes right back. Stretching and some direct pressure on the sore points seems to be dealing the symptoms and not the cause, whatever that is. Also tired, again, after another insomniac episode, second night in a row. Not as bad as Saturday night, no afternoon nap to blame but rather the beginnings of a dry scratchy throat. Spending a good chunk of a cold day yesterday standing and runnign around outside might have had something to do with it. Hoping fervently against coming down with anything right now, it would absolutely ruin me.

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