
Fri 8/3 - double, 2 hours total

AM 75 minutes in Dry Lake Hills, loop that included Rocky Ridge trail (a favorite from last year's visit), and Brookbank, which won't be a favorite memory as it was more like running up an elevator shaft. Loop was approx. 9 miles long, started at 7200', climbed to 8300' just before halfway and spent the rest of the time descending, particularly the last 3.5 miles on FR 420 which was almost all gradual downhill. Quads got a little numb at times during this, but surprisingly didn't feel that bad afterwards.

PM Route 66 to Sinclair Wash followed by drills and strides. Mixed up the specific drills slightly, made some of them 100m long instead of 50. Quads feel vaguely swollen but not painful. We'll see tomorrow.

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