
Week of 4/9-4/15

Mon 4/9 - PM 60 minutes easy

Tue 4/10 - PM 50 minutes incl. 3x200, 2x300, 3x200. In theory this was to be done at 800 pace which felt like a serious ask given how little of that kind of thing I typically do. Short recovery within each set--40 seconds between 200s and a minute between the 300s--with 5 minutes break between the sets. Locked in to roughly the same pace throughout, glad that I was consistent even though the numbers are hardly impressive. This was mile pace not so very long ago. Splits:

Wed 4/11 - PM 60 minutes easy.

Thu 4/12 -PM 70 minutes easy. Legs still not feeling so hot.

Fri 4/13 - off. Not an ideal piece of scheduling but somewhat unavoidable as I went to the ballgame.

Sat 4/14 - AM 65 minutes incl. 5k road race. Went somewhat as expected, in that I felt tired and dragging from the word go. Got to bed late last night after a solid week of getting to bed too late to start with. Not much mojo to apply to the proceedings as a result. Focused solely on being top old fart which seemed to be going swimmingly until I took a peek at the halfway turnaround mark to see the only potential competition stalking me. I had been looking forward to letting up a bit in the last mile but wasn't able to as a result. Typically breezy along the shore but not overwhelming. A bit chilly but not dramatically cold or anything. Longish wandering cooldown which was a putter.

Sun 4//15 - AM 90+ minutes very easy, Lincoln woods. Meandering run back and forth in the woods similar to last Sunday in most respects.

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