
Sun 4/24 - double, 75 minutes total incl. 5k road race

AM - 50 minutes incl. 5k road race in Groton. Same time as last year, not that I was aware of this at the time or was trying to do so. In fact I thought I was in better shape this time around but a couple of late nights in a row doomed this effort from the outset as far as that goes. Unlike last year, I didn't cruise to an easy victory and was instead a distant third, with no drama whatsoever as to where I'd end up. In fact spent 2.9 miles of the race in no-man's land. As per usual the wind was raking, today from the WNW, which made it a chore from just after 3/4 mile to a bit before the 2 mile mark. In light of the circumstances, not really that disappointing, just kicking the can down the road.

PM - 25 minutes very easy with the CH on the riverwalk trail. Closest path to my door but one I almost never visit due to the often muddy conditions and somewhat dodgy footing. A nice time though with the company. The cooldown I didn't do after the race earlier in the day.

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