
Sat 5/14 - AM 40 minutes short intervals plus 65 minutes elliptigo

Rode over to Emerson field, disembarked for short intervals a la Igloi (the new training toy), then back on the dork bike to head back via rts. 126 and 117. Intervals were short sets with short rest, untimed and done on effort, slower medium faster or in the terminology "fresh" "good" and "hard." Mostly in the fresh/slower category though. Started and ended with 10x100 with 100 jog then 150 buildups with 50m walk then 4x300 progressing through all three levels of exertion. Interesting experience and one that bears repeating if not every day the way they used to do it in the 50s and 60s. Warm to the point of being hot for a change.

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