
Wed 6/17 - PM 55 minutes incl. 4(1000,200)

Original plan was to workout at Emerson Field, with a session short enough that I'd have the energy to head over to the pond as part of the cooldown. Instead, the workout got lengthened and the trip to the pond went by the boards. Feeling very tired and flat going in, not sure of what I'd be capable of. Decided on 84 pace as the goal for the 1k reps, and of course went out and ran quicker. Similar recovery times as the "floats" when doing the Deek last week. Not sure how much of a float that pace actually is. Splits:

3:25.2 (51.4) 37.2 (52.8)
3:25.2 (52.5) 37.5 (51.1)
3:23.5 (51.1) 37.8 (55.6)
3:23.0 (51.8) 37.7 (52.9)
total time 23:06

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