
Sun 5/24 - AM 50 minutes incl. 5k road race

Vista 5k. Seemed like a good idea at the time, but the early start time combined with intermittent showers and cool temps made for a less than enjoyable experience. Dragging ass beforehand which led to an inadequate warmup, consisting mainly of drills and strides. Buried on the starting line, took a few minutes to get around the flotsam and jetsam and establish a rhythm of sorts. Poor warmup made those first few minutes feel even more of a chore than they should have been. Held up reasonably well the rest of the way although the one decent hill at about halfway didn't treat me that well. Eventually able to consolidate what I figured would be an age-group winning position which it was. The prize money spots, which would have seemed to be a possibility given results from recent years, completely out of reach from the gun as this year's edition was much more competitive. Did a cooldown of decent length to make up for the inadequate warmup.

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