
Sun 4/26 - PM 50 minutes incl. 5k road race

Groton for the umpteenth time, which never gets old. Arrived a bit later than I would have liked thanks to catching up on errands at home, which resulted in an abbreviated warmup. With the change in schedule this year doubling is no longer an option, and in hindsight I chose wisely with the 5k. With the week's travails, both the mountain runs and hours spent behind the wheel, it was apparent going in that I wouldn't be bringing my A-game. Thankfully it wasn't needed and I was able to relax a bit in the second half of the race. This is reflected in the mile splits, which went 5:17/5:37/5:45ish. I'm not sure I could have gone much faster if pressed to be honest. Overcast and blustery conditions yet again, not especially cold but not warm either.

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