
Wed 12/11 - PM 65 minutes incl. 5x3 minutes, 4(60 sec, 30 sec)

Levittown. Out the door relatively early to get this done as I was had no time to waste before going to the ballgame in town later on. 15 minute jog warmup and then right into the first 3 minute rep, with a minute recovery between each. From the get-go the right hamstring was feeling hung up and stuck, which contributed to a weak and compromised feel to my stride overall. No idea exactly what type of pace I was carrying but it didn't fee that I was moving particularly well. By the last two reps I had to be careful not to wear myself out on the first minute. Some of this could also be from general fatigue, certainly justified in not trying to workout yesterday as it would have been a waste of time. After the longer cruise intervals were done took a 5+ minute break before doing the shorter stuff. 90 second jog after each 60 second pickup, 60 second jog after each 30 second pickup. The leg actually felt a bit better while doing these but started to stiffen up as soon as I was finished. Relatively short length of the workout kept me from being totally wiped out afterward but even so I was pretty tired by the end. Brief cooldown was all I had time for. Colder weather firmly entrenched, with a moderate wind.

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