
Thu 9/12 - PM 55 minutes incl. 3(400-300-200-100)

Back to the track, albeit postponed from yesterday. Weather not as hot thankfully but just as humid and still light years from favorable, with a gusty SW wind to boot. Got home from practice and took a nap before heading out which made for a fairly late start. The usual short warmup loop to the track, but took the time to do a full set of drills and strides given the shorter quicker nature of the workout. Right knee stiff and sore in the quad tendon while doing this which left me somewhat concerned. Hammie twinging of course but it's been worse. Tried to stay relaxed and leave some room for speeding up towards the end of each rep. Recorded times but not checking any intermediate splits. Took an easy lap plus a sip of fluids between each set, which ended up being about 3.5 minutes worth of recovery. Speaking of recovery, started to feel the cumulative effort in the final set, not so much on the reps themselves but not bouncing back as well between them. The overall time for the third set reflected this as compared to the other two:

74.1/55.5/37.0/18.4 overall 5:56.6
73.7/56.1/36.9/18.0 overall 5:56.8
74.3/55.8/37.2/18.7 overall 6:05.1

As can be seen by the inability to change gears, turnover isn't exactly there at the moment. Also a factor was the left hip flexor and adductor which like last time on the track got progressively more stiff and sore as the workout progressed. Made the cooldown a very slow affair.

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