
Sat 12/17 - AM 75 minutes easy

Area 51. Started out very easy, legs stiff from yesterday's workout. Eventually range of motion increased somewhat and as a result moved a bit quicker, although at no time did it get beyond a slow jog. Major slugabed morning, took forever to get off my back never mind out the door. Followed that up with an extended nap in the mid afternoon. Not surprising in the least, feeling a bit overextended by the end of the work week. Surprising that I was able to complete the workout yesterday in fact, although doing it by time instead of trying to hit a particular pace helped there. Cooler this morning than yesterday. First run in Area 51 for some time that wasn't in the dark, got a chance to check out the clear cut just off Patrol Road near the town well. Why they did it is anyone's guess.

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