
Fri 11/4 - PM 70 minutes incl. repeats

Franklin Park. First time I've run fast here in years, today with the wildcats of course. Very brief warmup jog, 10 minutes at most. Then 2 trips up and over Bear Cage down to the backstop, a little short of 800m probably, followed by two trips around Wilderness loop that were probably a bit short of 1k. One final run around Plaisted, something a bit less than 600. As I did last week, worked my way through the groups from slower to faster. Very relaxed and easygoing at first of course, the last two reps done with the top two boys who were in well over their heads and racing each other as teenagers are wont to do. Relaxed but I can't say it was controlled, stretched right to the limit. Of course with 4-5 minute recoveries this behavior was enabled if not encouraged. Long mellow cooldown of 30 minutes afterward. Left glute feeling better after last night's work on it, but left hammie feeling off in the belly of the muscle. Cool and windy, if anything the wind picked up after the sun set.

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