
Thu 10/6 - PM 60 minutes incl. 4x400, 4x300, 4x200, 3x100

Theoretically this was supposed to be a leg prep workout but not enough recovery between reps made it into something else entirely. Easily enough remedied, not that I made the adjustment in the midst of the workout as I probably should have. 300 jog after each 400, 200 after each 300, etc. on down to the last lap which was 3x100 with 50m jogs between. Combination of stiffness in left hip and underlying fatigue from not sleeping enough still having their effect on the quality of workouts as evidenced by the decidedly humdrum numbers:

400s - 75-77, 86-90 second recoveries
300s - 56-7, roughly equal time on the recoveries
200s - 38, 30 second recoveries

After the 400s it felt like I might be stalling out, tried to moderate the effort the rest of the way. Still dead beat by the end. Total 6400m in 24:20.

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