
Sat 7/30 - double, 85 minutes total plus 20 minutes in Walden

AM - 30+ minutes very easy on track road to Sudbury Road bridge in Stow, then 3 hours of canoeing on the Assabet while plucking water chestnuts from the river, then 20 minutes or so easy jog back on track road from White Pond Road intersection. Barely able to move at first what with all the stiff spots, which have certainly been piling up lately. Foot no worse than yesterday, not that much better either, although the locus of soreness may be moving around a bit. Didn't even make a small dent on the amount of water chestnut plants in that river, despite pulling out a few hundred pounds' worth. Sunny with a breeze that kept things cooler than expected. Also drier than I thought it would be.

PM - 40 minutes easy to and from Walden, 20 minutes in the pond. Left the clunky shoes in the car, no worries about rolling an ankle in the usual trail shoes although right foot twinging on some uneven spots as a result. Moving pretty well on the return trip.

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