
Sun 4/4 - AM 85 minutes incl. 10 mile threshold run

4 Longfellow loops, something I wouldn't have thought capable of doing worth a damn as recently as yesterday. In fact, woke up still feeling the blahs and with the sunny breezy conditions and rising temps through the morning I had serious doubts about my ability to hold pace. First two mile splits did nothing to assuage this, figured it would be a tired slog and just to get through it. In hindsight the first loop was a continuation of the warmup as it has been before, maybe more pronounced though. By tghe time I got to the last loop pretty much on autopilot, not trying to increase the pace it just happened. Splits as follows:


tacked on an extra 200m at the end to make it an even 16k. The wind was obnoxious throughout, hard to say if there was a prevailing direction as it seemed to hit me in the face at all points along the course.

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