
Tue 12/28 - PM 70 minutes incl. 2(8x220)

11th hour change in plan, decided to join the crowd for this one. Alternating faster and slower 220s for two miles, done twice with three minutes rest in between. Not strictly speaking a leg prep session but close enough for my purposes. First set the faster laps were almost all between 34 and 35, with the recovery laps averaging around 50. Total time 11:20. Second set the times dropped a bit, overall time 11:13. Slower laps were a mix of running in lane 0, 1, and/or 2. Having not run much at this kind of speed it was somewhat surprising that the pace was doable by and large. Not totally fried at the end, although the effort required was no joke. Left ankle felt stiff to a worrisome degree while warming up, but wasn't an issue while doing the workout itself.

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