
Fri 12/10 - PM 75 minutes incl. 2(100-200x10m increments)

RLTAC. Digging into the bag of tricks for this session, aiming for something on the leg prep end of the spectrum. More taxing than I had remembered, I had thought of doing three sets but two was plenty. Including recovery jogs each set took more than 15 minutes as it was. Timed the 100, 150, and 200, hoping to run the first 100m controlled and then pick it up from there for whatever chunk remained. For tonight that meant 100 in 18-19, 150 just under 27 seconds, and 200 around 35. This pace felt much faster than it ideally should be, not surprising at all given lack of sharpness. Warmup and cooldown very easy, in part due to the ninja slippers which are taking some getting used to running on pavement. Teeny tiny mincing strides. Still quite cold but the wind dropped again today after sunset.

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