
Mon 11/23 - PM 50 minutes

Levittown. Right leg felt quite good all day at work, gracilis attachment near the knee hasn't bothered me at all since Friday so I had irrationally high hopes for this run. The tightness in both hip flexors that I felt running over the weekend no longer a factor which really got my hopes up. Reality set in after 15 minutes or so with stubborn soreness in hip flexor/adductor area. Locus of discomfort moved around a bit, until the last 15 minutes when the TFL and vastus lateralis were dragged into it. Finished in a foul mood went straight into doing compressions with the massage stick and stretching.


Anonymous said...

You are killing me. How about 2 weeks of easy 20 minute runs to start out. Slowly build back into it. You will get fitter quicker if you are able to run every day as opposed to running two weeks, off two weeks, rinse and repeat.

Mark Mayall said...

Without the root issue being resolved I could jog 20 minutes/day until the end of time and all indications are that I'd encounter the same BS with the adductors if I then went any further and/or faster. All the muscles that got damaged have to be healed first. I thought the weekly massage treatments had done the trick because the spasm in the belly of my gracilis/adductor magnus/sartorius had noticeably improved after 3 treatments. "Improved" and "all better" are two different things I'm finding to my chagrin. At this point getting fit, quickly or not, isn't even on the radar. I just want to be able to run an hour a day for my own sanity. It's not happening anytime soon I'm afraid, gradual buildup or not.