
Tue 3/24 - PM RLTAC 70 minutes incl. 6x800

Sore, strained adductor dominated everything tonight and in fact forced me to stop after 6 reps of a possible 8. A bummer to be sure, not that it's any surprise as I haven't let it recover since straining it 10 days ago on the icy trails when it was already in a vulnerable state to begin with. Splits as follows:


2.5 minute recoveries. I had hoped to start around 2:26 and get faster from there, instead it kind of stalled out around 2:24 until the last one. No real progression to the pacing, alas. Pace was manageable although I was starting to get tired. Hobbling on my right hip didn't help in that regard either. Did some direct pressure on psoas and high hamstring areas afterwards, but I'm not looking forward to how it's going to feel tomorrow.

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