
Fri 1/23 - 50 minutes easy

Tiger Drive (backtracked when I saw the condition of the sidewalks on Rt. 27) to Sheridan and a brief foray into Levittown. I had aspirations of doing strides but it wasn't happening. Left tib anterior finally feeling better, day off yesterday helped a lot, but right adductor as stuck as it's been in a while and feeling it radiating to both ends--p.a. on medial knee during the day, and also in the hip/lower back which ended up being a stubborn spasm. Horrible timing for a flare-up of this kind of crap. I chalk it up entirely to following up last Sunday's race with Monday's ill-advised run on slippery conditions at an un-relaxed pace. I'm paying for it now. Another longer day than expected at work contributed further to the beat-down sense, chasing down far too many loose ends. Not sleeping as well as I'd like as a result. Can't wait for this week to end. Ugh.

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