
Week of 11/13-11/19

Mon 11/13 - PM 55 minutes easy. Scrounging run.

Tue 11/14 - PM 50 minutes incl. 3x200, 2x300, 500, 2x300, 3x200. 300 jog between each repeat, i.e. just under 90 seconds. On the plus side, the left thigh/butt held together fairly well and the splits got marginally faster toward the end. Alas, said splits were quite unimpressive. Chilly but not a breath of wind which I greatly appreciated. Splits:

37.8 (85.8) 38.9 (86.6) 39.0 (83.7)
59.0 (83.8) 58.9 (85.5)
1:39.7 (83.6)
57.8 (84.6) 58.5 (85.7)
38.2 (86.6) 37.9 (87.1) 37.3 (92.4)

Wed 11/15 - PM 65 minutes easy, Area 51.

Thu 11/16 - PM 50 minutes easy

Fri 11/17 - PM 55 minutes incl. 3k-2k-1k. Back to the track even though the original plan was to do this on the roads by time and feel. Unable to resist the lure of pace feedback particularly since I wanted to do it as a cutdown. Able to hit the numbers I set out, a bit quick the last two km of the 3k. The final rep was definitely a different level of effort than the first two. 600 jog after the 3k, 400 jog after the 2k i.e. 3 minutes then 2 minutes. Splits:

3:45/3:37.3/3:33.5 - 10:55.8
3:34.7/3:30 - 7:04.7

Sat 11/18 - off, had every intention of running today but too tired to pull it off after a morning spent at the MFA with the CH.

Sun 11/19 - AM 70 minutes incl. 3k cross country race. Successful defense of the old fart title I won so cheaply a year ago at the inaugural edition of this event, the only time I jump over hay bales. Weather included driving rain just before the start, then cleared up, then more rain, then wind advisory conditions for the cooldown around Horn Pond and adjacent golf course.

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